programming functors
January 1, 2019
Functor is simply an interface with a contract.
We could have just as easily named it Mappable, but now, where's the fun in that?.
Professor Frisby's
A functor is nothing more than a data structure that you can map functions with the purpose of lifting values intro a wrapper, modifying them, and then putting them back into a wrapper.
It is a design pattern that defines semantics for how fmap should work
fmap :: (A -> B) -> Wrapper(A) -> Wrapper(B)
Let's see an example:
// NOTE: we can't use arrow function if we are referencing this inside the function (no "new" for arrow functions)
var Container = function(x) {
this.__value = x;
Container.of = function(x) { return new Container(x); };
Container.of(3); // => Contaier(3) === { "__value": 3 }
Container.of(Container.of("pepinillos")) ; // => Container(Container("pepinillos")) === { "__value": { "__value": "pepinillos" } }
is an object with one property. -
Lots of containers just hold one thing, though they aren't limited to one. We've arbitrarily named its property
. -
cannot be one specific type or ourcontainer
would hardly live up to the name. -
Once data goes into the
it stays there. We could get it out by using.__value
, but that would defeat the purpose.
So now let's recap again about the idea of a functor. What is a functor and what a functor should have.
A functor will be mainly a container, and why do we want to do that?, well containerizing (or wrapping) values is a fundamental design pattern in functional programming because it guards direct access to the values so they can be manipulated safely and immutably in your programs.
class Wrapper {
constructor(value) { this._value = value; }
toString() { return 'Wrapper (' + this._value + ')'; }
// wrap :: A -> Wrapper(A)
const wrap = (val) => new Wrapper(val);
wrap("Hello Muzzy").toString(); // -> Wrapper (Hellow Muzzy)
Now that we have a container for our values we need something to operate those values , because accessing a wrapped value can only be done by mapping an operation to its container.
So a functor must be a wrapped object and a function to map over the values, in functional world they use to call this function map or fmap
class Wrapper {
constructor(value) { this._value = value; }
toString() { return 'Wrapper (' + this._value + ')'; }
// map :: (A -> B) -> A -> B
map(fn) {
return fn(this._value);
// wrap :: A -> Wrapper(A)
const wrap = (val) => new Wrapper(val);
wrap("Hello Muzzy").toString(); // -> Wrapper (Hellow Muzzy)
wrap("Hello Muzzy").map(item => item.toUpperCase()) // --> HELLOW MUZZY
In the above example we are mapping over the value but the problem is that we are returning the value transformed already , witch is ok but we cannot chain any thing else withing this container and we loose the ability to box our data because we exit our “safe container”.
So maybe a good idea will be to return the mapped result into a new wrapper instead of returning only the result. So we change our function map into an fmap
class Wrapper {
constructor(value) { this._value = value; }
toString() { return 'Wrapper (' + this._value + ')'; }
// fmap :: (A -> B) -> Wrapper[A] -> Wrapper[B]
fmap(fn) {
return new Wrapper(fn(this._value));
// wrap :: A -> Wrapper(A)
const wrap = (val) => new Wrapper(val);
wrap("Hello Muzzy").toString(); // -> Wrapper (Hellow Muzzy)
wrap("Hello Muzzy").fmap(item => item.toUpperCase()) // --> Wrapper { _value: 'HELLO MUZZY' }
So now we are returning a new Wrapper object with the value transformed after applying the mapped function (toUpperCase).
fmap knows how to apply functions to values wrapped in a context. It first opens the container, then applies the given function to its value, and finally closes the value back into a new container of the same type.
This allows us to chain more actions within our wrapped value.
So imagine that we want to upper case and then split words into an array, we could easily do:
class Wrapper {
constructor(value) { this._value = value; }
toString() { return 'Wrapper (' + this._value + ')'; }
// fmap :: (A -> B) -> Wrapper[A] -> Wrapper[B]
fmap(fn) {
return new Wrapper(fn(this._value));
// wrap :: A -> Wrapper(A)
const wrap = (val) => new Wrapper(val);
wrap("Hello Muzzy")
.fmap(item => item.toUpperCase())
.fmap(item => item.split(" ")) // --> Wrapper { _value: [ 'HELLO', 'MUZZY' ] }
Then after having an fmap function that returns the same type object we can also state that a functor will follow these two rules:
- Preserves identity
object.fmap(x => x) ≍ object
- Composable
object.fmap(compose(f, g)) ≍ object.fmap(g).fmap(f)
An finally we can say then that an object will be a functor if it fulfills these rules:
1) It is a wrapper object to contain our data
2) had a map function to iterate over its own data
3) preserves identity
4) can be composable
- Functional Programming in JavaScript . Ed: MANNING SHELTER ISLAND. Author: Luis Atencio.
- [Mostly Adequate Guide to functional programming](https://drboolean.gitbooks
Professor Frisby's